
Paper Boy

I can't quite put my finger on what makes this activity so interesting, but Jack finds nothing more fun than watching paper roll off my printer.  I always try to hook it up to the computer to print when he is immersed in Dora or playing with his tractors, but it never fails, he hears the first page being printed and he sprints to the kitchen.  He hops over the USB cable and sits in his little black chair, anxiously awaiting the next page.  He is serious and intense about removing the paper from the printer, two qualities that we rarely see in our wild boy.  I've learned not to argue with him about it and have resolved myself to the fact that this is his special job.  I only have to remind him a few times to wait until the paper is all the way out before picking it up and handing it to Mama.  He loves pulling that paper right off the press and handing it to me.   It ranks right up there with tractor rides with Poppa.  And that is very, very high.

Waiting patiently...
Perfect form, ready to catch the first page...
Waiting, waiting, waiting until it is finished, just like Mama said to...
And then he proudly hands it off to Mama.  Job well done.

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