

Last night, the boys and I ran down to Robin and Meme's house for a minute.  Meme was spending the night at the hospital with Randy, so we only saw Robin.  Sam and Jack adore him and run around like crazy people when he's around.  They scream, wrestle and drag him around wherever they please.  Last night Sam was especially rowdy and was actually running though their kitchen screaming at the top of his lungs.  I continually asked him to stop and he continued to take showing off to a new level.  

Finally I said, "Robin, don't you want Sam to spend the night down here with you tonight?"

"Sure," he said.  "Sam, me and you and Ally can all crawl in my bed and sleep together."

"Huh?" Sam asked, looking confused.

"Me and you and Ally can get in bed, under the covers and watch tv together," he continued.

Again he responded, with great annunciation this time, "Huh?"

So I chimed in.  "Sam, you can spend the night here tonight with Robin.  And you and Robin and Ally can all snuggle in Robin's bed and watch tv and go to sleep."

"HUH?" he said, looking more confused than I've ever seen him.

"Oh, Sam," I said, as I gave up on making him understand this very simple scenario and started heading to the door.  Just as I opened the door and stepped onto the porch, the light bulb went off in my head. And I got it.  I understood his confusion and felt like the biggest dummy for not understanding his confusion.

You see, Ally, is Robin and Kay's dog.  And also Sam's special aunt.  So while Robin and I were speaking of Sam cuddling in bed with him and the dog, my poor son was envisioning Robin, his aunt Ally and himself all cuddled together in bed.  Thus all the long, clueless "Huhs?" and that very blank stare.  I immediately told Robin what Sam was thinking to which he responded, "Oh, gosh!" and I proceeded to explain that we were indeed referring to Ally the dog, not Ally the aunt.  

And boy am I grateful the light bulb went off in my head before we were in public somewhere and Sam asked to go crawl in bed and snuggle with Robin and Ally.  Wouldn't that have been lovely?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now that is so funny. I can't imagine what Sam was thinking.