

We are at the beach for a fun filled week with the whole family.  After a lot of packing, we headed out after lunch today.  Nana and JP were waiting for us and Ally and the kids pulled in shortly after we did.  Sam and Jack have been so excited about coming to the beach.  The closer we got, the more excited they became.  I would say, "We're almost there," and look back to see them doing their best "very excited" face each time.

We unloaded and headed out to the beach.  I am happy to report that Sam is happy as a clam (no pun intended) and runs straight into the water and even tried to ride a few in.  What a difference a year can make...last year he stayed inside for most of our vacation.  Jack, on the other hand, is not as in love with the sand and water as he was last year.  He didn't like the way the sand felt between his toes and when he stood at the edge of the water and felt the current pull against his feet, he had a small meltdown.  Anytime he would try to be brave and head back to the water, he would see the water rushing in and would do a very quick pivot and high tail it back towards the dunes.  So it looks like our trip may be similar to last year with one boy loving the sand and surf and the other loving the cottage and air conditioning.  Oh, and as I type this at 11:30, Sam is crying and begging to go home because he "really, really loves his home."  What can I say, the boy really, really loves sleeping at home.  And that's fine by me.   I just hope we don't have six more nights of crying and begging to sleep at his house.  We'll see.

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