

This afternoon Sam insisted that I stay in the kitchen so he could "clean up" the den for me.  So I did.  I unloaded the dishwasher and stayed away from the entrance to the den.  He made no noise, so I was pretty sure he was just throwing a few toys in the box and putting the pillows back on the couch.  Wrong.  I literally only allowed him five minutes to do what he needed to do.  And this is what I found.

My little one managed to move some pretty heavy furniture around as he cleaned up for his Mama.  I have no idea how he managed to move the chair from one side of the room to the other and leave it up on two legs leaning on the other chair.  Those chairs are heavy but he obviously had no trouble pushing them where he felt they needed to go.  He also turned over both horses which are also pretty heavy.  I shouldn't be too surprised.  When Sam was barely two, he saw one of his little toys under our couch and he had to get it out.  He squatted with perfect weightlifting form, lifted the couch and kicked his toy out from underneath it.  My mouth dropped to the floor.  I couldn't wait to show Jody what he could do.  So for days we watched in amazement as Sam lifted the couch over an over again.  I guess he has the genetics to be pretty strong.  His daddy, uncle Joseph and Papa are all known for being able to lift pretty much anything. So he lucked out and got some pretty tough genetics.  And I got my own little moving man.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the new set up to the den. It looks very inviting and interesting. Like a work of art...but that's a G-Ma's point of view.

I love you