
Your Day Will Come

Dear Jack and Landry,
How tough it must be to be the littlest sometimes.  You stare out the window at the three big boys as they run and play and explore.  And you really want to be doing everything they are doing.  You want to run fast, swing, hit baseballs and climb to the top of the clubhouse.  But you still need your Mommy's help to do these things and it just isn't fair, is it?  Cade, Cannon and Sam go on exciting adventures and you are left behind, hoping that one day soon you can come along.  You want to ride through the woods and look for treasures.  You want to be the driver of the riding toy sometimes, not just the passenger.  You want to be able to drink from a juice box, hold your own pushup and chew gum.  You want to open the door walk and down the steps to the fun awaiting you outside.  Well, rest assured sweet babies, your time will come.  Sooner than your Mommy and I hope.  You will be tagging closely behind the big boys in an instant, I promise.  Just be patient and you'll see. Many great adventures are awaiting you.
                                                           All my love,
                                                             Mommy & Lala  


Jodi Lowe said...

it will come tooooo soon, them growing up! Time flies by so fast! Are you ready to have another one yet????

I can't wait to see everyone next weekend! Thanks for inviting us.

Allyson Lee said...

Sweet....Outside that door were the three big boys hopping onto the gator to go on a ride with you. The little ones were "stuck" inside with me. They were looking out the door wishing they could go while I was glad to spend a few minutes with just the two of them.


Lisa Hardee said...

I have a little tag-along too! Always the last up the stairs,last one out the door, and always left with Mama if he is not quite old enough to go. Sweet pictures! You both have beautiful children and take the best pictures.