
Sweet Steps

Only a few days ago, Jack, you slowly and carefully took your first steps...the first steps to walk, the steps that will turn into running, skipping and jumping...your first steps into a whole new world for you...a world of adventure and freedom...independence.  And what only days ago were occasional, wobbly, hesitant steps have today become frequent walks full of balance and confidence.  You walk a little further each time and with each step your smile grows bigger and brighter and selfishly my heart breaks just a little.  Will you still want me to hold you or have those days passed before I was ready?  I marvel at your accomplishments and I cheer and clap for you with each step you take...but Jack, for me, can I have a few more of those moments of you tugging at my leg, snuggled on my shoulder rubbing my hair between your fingers, reaching your little arms up to me and pleading at me with those big brown eyes to pick you up?  You see, Jack, those are the moments that make this life so sweet, the moments that leave me in awe of all my wonderful blessings.  You will be running through this house soon and while the sound of your little feet will flood my heart with joy, I hope the end of each day will still find you cuddled up in my arms as you fall asleep.  So I promise to clap and dance and cheer for each new step and I promise to always be there to pick you up, dust you off and encourage you to try again...just promise me a few more precious moments with those arm stretched out, your brown eyes gazing up at me, just wanting to be held.  I love you...

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