
Like a Pig in Slop...

Yes, that's about the best way I can describe Jack when you throw a blanket and pillow on the floor and let him have at it.  This boy can flip, turn and roll like no other.  He squeals with excitement when he sees a pillow has fallen off the couch and rushes to it, falls on it and proceeds to flip and turn, trying new positions in his quest for comfort. Pillows and blankets quite honestly make him happier than anything I can think of. Happier than toys, bath time, food, milk, being outside and maybe even hanging on my leg.  His reaction to being allowed to roll on our bed is too hard to describe...pure bliss pretty much sums it up.  He dives straight into the middle of the pillows, buries his head so that all you see are those chubby legs and feet flipping and kicking as he rolls pillow to pillow, top of the bed to bottom, side to side.  I have no doubt that this little buddy's idea of a good time would be a trip to the sleep number store in the mall. I laugh as I think of what his reaction would be as he saw a whole room full of beds and pillows...JACKPOT!  So maybe that is an idea for a first birthday treat, or better yet bribery for trips to the mall..."Jack, if you are really sweet and let mama shop, I'll take you to the sleep number store before we leave."  Genius.  

Here are a few pics of Jackie-Poo diving into my duvet.  I was in the den trying to put my clean duvet back on my comforter before I was forced to stop for a while.  When he saw what I was doing, my bed-making was all over.

Blowing bubbles... 
Sam couldn't resist and had to join in...
Whatever makes you happy, sweetie.


Michelle Oliver said...

That is so cute. Your boys are precious.

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