
Photography by Jack

I made a mistake recently.  I downloaded Angry Bulls to my iPhone and ipad.  It was a bad decision and I'm paying for it with dead batteries and missed phone calls.  And an overloaded camera roll.  I was not amused to discover 460 new pictures on my phone recently. 460.  And that doesn't include the 20 video clips that were all exactly 2 seconds long.  It appears my middle child became bored with the bulls and decided to experiment with photography.

He began with a few self portraits.  A few meaning 176.
" Here's my best smile."
"Hmm, now I'll try my funny face."
"Sam, you're totally in my shot, man. Back up! I'm working here."
"Jack!  Take a picture of me!  Take a picture of me and my gun."
A still life.  Diapers, coat hanger and stuffed lion.
Buenos Dias!
Self portrait of his fingers.
Belt and boots.  You can't have one without the other.
 Pancho Villa.
Will trying to escape the toddler paparazi.
Showing off his skills with an action shot...Will on the run.
Saucy. One of the 26 pictures he took of her.
A true photographer, Jack remembers to document all the sweet parts of a baby, including her feet.
A little more Saucy.  
Rebecca, he's for hire if you're interested.
 Sam watching something on television that he a)finds amazing or b) is scaring him to death.
Horse.  The one with no mane, thanks to the photographer.
 Taking a picture of a picture.  Genius.
Another still life.  This time the focus is on nature.
He enjoys photographing animals too.
Rain.  The reason he's shooting indoors today.
iPhone meet iPad.
In keeping with the electronics theme...television.
My boy is multi-talented.  He dabbles in food photography too.
Back to the self portraits. 
Capturing strange combinations.  Cow, chip clip, tiny stuffed dog and magnetic fishing pole.
Stuffed animals and tractors.  Every one needs a picture of these playroom staples.
Hello, Pooh.
Toy snake left on my bedroom floor to scare me.  He totally just told on himself.
I'm highly offended by this one.  I get it, Jack.  I know I let the laundry pile up last week.  Point taken.
More self portraits.  Working on his kiss.
Practicing rescue breathing on his knee.
Close up.
A little construtive criticism.  Jack, you really need to work on controlling that finger. 
He needed a shot of just his hair.
And one of the top half of his head.
I particularly like this one.  Nice smile.  Nice use of back lighting.
Another one.
Return of the wayward finger.
Another action shot.  Sam winning a pillow fight/boxing match with a monkey.
Rody and toes.
Capturing Woody's amazing flexibility.
How appropriate to end where we began, with another self portrait.  Again, he doesn't forget the little details.  Like ears.
Is there an app that helps you pry your phone out of your child's hands?  If not, there sure should be.

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