
Just What I Needed

Sam came down with a bug Friday afternoon.  Sore throat.  Rash.  I was sure he had strep throat but the test was negative and the doctor reassured me that it was viral and that all he needed was rest and to stay hydrated. He stayed home with Jody Friday night while the other boys and I ate dinner at Nana and JP's for Nana's upcoming birthday.  I missed him terribly and really wanted to be the one taking care of him, but he was in excellent hands with his Daddy.

Saturday morning the rash had spread and he wasn't feeling well at all.  Jody took Will with him as soon as he headed out to work cows.  He returned for Jack a few hours later and I he had to force Jack out the door.  If Sam was staying with me, he wanted to too.  But Sam needed me.  All of me.  And I knew Jack would be as happy as he could be once he got away from the house with Jody.  And he was.

So I spent my Saturday with my oldest.  We watched movies in bed.  He cuddled beside me in the recliner and I watched him play way too many games of Angry Bulls, admiring his determination to get a better score each game.  I soaked it all in.  The time with just him and me.  Because that doesn't happen too often any more. Saturdays are usually busy, him helping his Daddy with cows, me working hard to mark things off my very long to-do list.

But this Saturday it was just us.  No working cows.  No cleaning house.  No putting out hay.  No answering to the to-do list.  I did nothing.  Nothing, except love and care for my boy, the one who is growing up all too fast. Hours spent just being.  Together.  And while he was the one feeling bad and needing me, the truth is, our day together was just what I needed.  

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