

Last night Jack fell asleep in my room.   I didn't move him to his bed, hoping to avoid waking him and also hopeful that he'd sleep later in the morning if he was in bed with me.  At 2:30 this morning I heard him crying.  I reached over and he wasn't beside me.  I realized he had fallen off the bed and I quickly reached down and scooped him up. He was crying softly as I cuddled him close to me and rubbed his head, whispering to him that he was okay and that he was back in bed with me.  He continued to cry and became more and more upset.  I couldn't figure out why he wouldn't calm down and go back to sleep.  He wasn't saying anything, but he continued to cry.  I comforted him for nearly ten minutes, urging him to go back to sleep.  And then I saw it.  In the darkness of my room, I noticed something on the pillow.  I jumped out of bed and turned on the light and was horrified when I saw blood everywhere.  It was on the pillows, my hands and shirt and his sweet, little face.  Because his face was covered with blood,  I was unsure of where he was hurt.  And then I saw the gash under his left eye.  He had a deep cut on the top of his cheekbone.  Jody cleaned him up as I tried to stop my head from spinning.  Stuff like that usually doesn't bother me but I was sure I was going to faint last night.  I think it was the shock of all the blood or maybe an adrenaline rush, but I was basically a useless bystander.  We decided to avoid the emergency room and call our doctor's office as soon as they opened. Jody bandaged him up and I fell asleep to the sound of Jack snoring as he clung tightly to my neck.

Jody met us at the doctor's office the following morning.  Here's my sweet boy and his hurt face waiting for the doctor to come in.
I was so thankful that the doctor chose to glue the cut together rather than attempt stitches.  I couldn't bare the idea of the numbing shots and the stitching itself and I knew restraining Jack would be a nightmare.  Well, it turns out the gluing was a nightmare in itself.  You see, Jack cannot handle being held down.  It took three nurses and us to hold him still for the doctor.  There really is no better way to describe the experience other than...The Exorcist. I felt like I was in a scene from The Exorcist.  He yelled, growled and clinched his teeth.  He screamed that we were choking him and hurting him and he totally lost it when the nurse placed a piece of gauze over his eye to protect it from the dermabond.  My heart broke when he looked at me and said he needed to tell me a secret, which is a sweet thing he tells all the time to me.  And Jody and I both almost lost it when he asked why we were hurting him. After the longest five minutes of my life, the doctor was done and I scooped my sweet boy up in my arms where he belonged.  His hair was drenched with sweat and he was exhausted. The doctor told us he was just too strong and there was no way they could have stitched him up because they couldn't have restrained him for the amount of time it would have required.

Here's my sweet boy, all doctored up with a hint of a black eye and a swollen face.  And here's to hoping that  his sweet face doesn't scar.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am afraid this is one of many trips for stitches and glue. I wish they had glue when mine where little!