
11 Months

Today, my youngest boy, turned eleven months old.  And I simply cannot believe it.  To say time passes so fast when you have children is an understatement.  And to say that time goes by even faster with the birth of each of your children is the understatement of all times.  As I see my first year with Will coming to an end, my heart aches at how fast these days have gone by.  I remember as if it were hours ago how I felt that first night I shared with him.  Every single detail.  I ache over the time that is gone but brim with excitement over the promise of watching  him grow up.  Because while I know there is nothing like a baby, I also know, from experience, that it just keeps getting better.  And better and better.

My sweet Will, this is who you are today, in all your wonder and perfectness...

You still only have five teeth, three on top and two on the bottom.  And if I'd allow myself, I could really obsess over this with worry.  To be honest, I've considered sneaking you into a dentist to make sure you aren't destined to have just three top teeth.  Your hair is lighter now and looks messy most of the time.  It is perfect and wavy and beautiful after your bath and I do my best to recreate the "after bath beauty" every morning.  It doesn't last long and after rolling around on the floor with your brothers, you look a little like Barney Fife. You could really use a little haircut, but I'm holding out as long as I can.

You are still standing alone and cruising but still refuse to take any steps.  I try many times during the day to have you take a step or two to me and you always do the same thing.  You grin, give me a loud grunt as if to say, "Okay, Mama, I'm going to do it this time" and then you drop to your knees and tumble into my lap. Every single time.
You love to clap and just learned to blow kisses, although you still get a little hung up when it's time to throw it, and will often just leave your hand pressed against your mouth until I help you throw it away.  You throw your arm out to wave occasionally and still do your famous "hand backwards against the mouth wave" all the time.  You are starting to make a lot of "b" sounds and have suddenly become very, very loud.  Deafening loud.  Just when I thought our house couldn't get any louder, it did.

The sweetest thing you are doing now is your "shy" face.  When I'm holding you and someone comes up to talk to you, you lower your sweet, little head and look down.  It is so precious and people melt every time you do it. And as soon as they "ohh" and "ahh" over how sweet and shy you are, you pop your head up and flash that wonderful smile of yours.  You already know how to win people over and I am your biggest fan.  When all else fails you can still make the world's saddest face complete with a quivering chin and your bottom lip poked out as far as humanly possible.  You've got me right where you want me, sweet boy.

You are into everything and your busyness led us to install new cabinet locks and to keep the bathroom doors shut at all times.  You can raise the toilet seat in seconds and are up to your elbows in toilet water before I can pull you away.  You stalk out the phone and remote control and your temper shows when we take them away from you.  You love having your brothers chase behind you and you crawl as fast as your little legs will go, squealing and laughing the entire time.  You never sit still, and as a result getting a decent picture of you these days is basically impossible.  I chase you around like the paparazzi in hopes that one day you just may sit still and appease me and my need to document everything that is you.
Will, you are the happiest, smiliest, friendliest little boy.  You are joy and sunshine and I love you so much. There is nothing like having you wrap your warm, chubby arms around my neck as you squeeze with all your might.  Your sloppy kisses are priceless and I love them so much that I overlook the times you become a little overzealous and bite me.  You are my constant companion and I love sharing all my days with you.  I hope one day you'll understand what having you in my life means to me and just how happy you make me.  You are everything I needed and I am so grateful for the blessing of being your mom.  I love you. More than you will ever know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy 11 months Will. I love you. You are one sweet baby boy.
Love you