
The Lowdown

It's been a long, tough week around here.  Forgive me if I whine.  I am sleep deprived.

Will is still battling some flu symptoms and taking Tamiflu.  He is also still on antibiotics for his ear infections.  The ENT wanted to schedule surgery for Thursday, but I am delaying it.  I am not comfortable with him having surgery right now and I don't think the tubes are dire at the moment.  We see Dr. Mann again on Monday for a recheck of his ears and I plan to discuss with him what is best for my little sweetie.  He is sleeping a little better at night but not sleeping much at all during the day.  I'm not sure if it's the medication or just not feeling well, but sleep is a battle right now.  He is also actively teething which makes things even more difficult.  He also has the worst diaper rash I've seen on any of my boys.  It completely covers his bottom and is in the creases of his chunky, little legs.  I am happy to see him laughing and playing again and can't wait until he is off all the meds and completely back to normal.

Jack developed a terrible cough a few days ago.  Thursday night his coughing was so bad, he was losing his breath and throwing up.  After trying to help him for three hours, we headed to the emergency room.  G-Ma picked us up and minutes into the drive, the coughing stopped and he finally slept.  I chose to return home, thinking the medication was finally working.  He slept soundly for an hour or two and by 3:00 am was coughing terribly again.  We made it through the night and I carried him to the doctor yesterday morning.  The diagnosis...the flu.  He is now on Tamiflu and is doing much better.  He is still coughing and very, very whiny.  He is so sleep deprived and exhausted, and his little body needs a break.  On a side note, Jack is now terrified of cotton swabs.  The swab up the nose turned him into a crazy person.  It was a lovely experience.

The doctor prescribed Sam preventative Tamiflu in hopes he wouldn't get sick.  Unfortunately, the pharmacy only had enough liquid for Jack's prescription so Sam had to get capsules.  We have to break them open and pour the contents onto a spoonful of chocolate syrup.  The pharmacist swore it was the best way and that he'd never even taste it.  Well, we discovered that Sam has outstanding taste buds.  He sniffed out that tiny bit of medicine like a blood hound.  I now believe that his cold symptoms and fever were signs that he had the flu also.  Fortunately, he has a great immune system and he has fought it off and shown very few indications that he was battling the flu.

And as for me...here's where the whining begins.  After calling every doctor I've ever been to (including my OB GYN), I was able to get a preventative prescription for Jody and me.  I have spent hours and hours at doctor's offices this week and have spent over $150.00 in insurance co pays and prescriptions.  To put things into perspective, our co pay is only $10.00.  There's nothing like having the receptionist at the pediatrician's office tell you that they've only had three cases of the flu thus far and you know two of those cases are your children.  I have slept 12 hours...this week.  I could measure out medicine in my sleep.  Lysol is my best friend.  I've used so much that the Lysol folks should send me a thank you note.  Seeing my children well again can't come soon enough.  My sanity is depending on it.


Jodi Lowe said...

Poor Angela. I am so sorry. You house sounds worse then mine did. Did ya'll get the flu vaccine??? Just curious if it is working this year or not. Secondly, the tubes.... GREAT... Maci got them at 7 or 8 months and they have been wonderful. I was scared for her being so young but glad I did it. Not that you care, but I thought I would let you know :)

Lisa Hardee said...

Oh, I can't imagine little ones having this! I've had the flu the past few days. It is miserable!!! Feel so....sorry for them. It really is that bad! I have never felt so bad in my life! I hope they get better real soon and am praying some how mine will not get it. My doc would not call in tamiflu until they have tested positive for the flu.