

We bought and installed an automatic soap dispenser for the boys' bathroom recently.  They were going through an entire bottle of hand soap in 4-5 days.  I should clarify.  Sam was going through the soap like a mad man.  Apparently his preschool teacher has stressed the importance of washing one's hands and my son doesn't dare want to disappoint his teacher.  Even at home. Being the over achieving, people pleaser that he is, he was determined to have the cleanest hands around.  So he washed them. A lot.  Borderline obsessive.  So I had the bright idea of installing the automatic dispenser.  I explained to both boys how it worked and told them that it would give them the exact amount they need.  No more, no less.  It is so simple to use because the motion sensor is super sensitive.

Hence the problem.

The super sensitive motion detector is great, but not smart enough to know the difference between a hand or a head.  So if your oldest son chooses to take a drink from the faucet (you know, instead of from a cup, like a normal human being), his head could activate the sensor.  And since he is drinking water like a thirsty camel and is unable to hear that the dispenser is, in fact, dispensing, the handy little machine could dump a large portion of soap on his head without him even knowing it.  And the result may be your freshly bathed boy with hair that resembles an oil slick and you holding him over the kitchen sink to rinse the obscene amount of antibacterial soap out his hair.  And rinsing.  And rinsing.  And rinsing.  

Another great idea bites the dust.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really think you should contact that company. Surely they should have anticipated this event. Oh my I love it...only at your house!