
Small Talk

What on earth could these five be so deep in conversation about?
Politics?  The economy?  The burning question haunting all Nick Jr. devotees...where exactly is Max and Ruby's parents? The stress of balancing preschool and first grade with their very busy social life?  
Or maybe they are just reveling in the fact that they have all snuck more than their fair share of Coke and Mountain Dew by us.  And that the sugar rush they are currently experiencing is beyond awesome. And that there is no way they will be able to sleep anytime soon. And how sorry they are for what their caffeine overload will do to their poor, tired mothers.  I'm sure that's it.

1 comment:

Allyson Lee said...

I love these. It looks like a future college party minus the "classy" girl that has her shirt off. Her parent really need to talk to her about taking her shirt off in front of boys.