
I Try

I try. To take pictures. To record video. To preserve memories. I preach it to my husband and drive him absolutely crazy as I explain the importance of remembering everything. Everything. He thinks I'm nuts and my children also refuse to jump on my memory-making band wagon. Taking a decent group shot these days is impossible. Absolutely impossible. I get Will to look at the camera and Sam backs out of the shot and is out of focus. Will cries. Sam whines. And Jack. Well, Jack does this...
This is what I get for constantly sticking a camera in my children's faces. I should order this in a huge print and hang it in our family room because this is my life. This is reality. Courtesy of my children. Thanks boys.


Anonymous said...

Love you Jack Johnson Standley

MiMi & Robin said...

I've been laughing for 15 minutes at you silly sweet boys. MiMi loves you!