
Mr. Soggy and Beard

Today while I was working in the office, Sam and Jack hung out on the porch.  They laughed and giggled and rocked themselves silly in the rocking chairs.  I paid little attention to what they were talking about until I heard this...

Sam said Jack must refer to him as "Samuel John Standley, the bear hunter."  And not to be left out, Jack insisted that he be referred to as "Mr. Soggy."  

Soon the bear hunter and Mr. Soggy were laughing and saying a lot of "Hey, Man!"  

And then I heard Sam tell Jack that he sure doesn't like beer now, but he'll probably like it when he's a Daddy. Jack responded, "I don't like beard either, Sam.  I just like drinkin' mountain dew."

Sam then yelled to me, "Hey, Mama.  How old do we have to be before we can smoke some cigarettes?"  To which I politely told him that he would never be old enough.  

I was being treated to my own episode of King of the Hill.  Courtesy of my preschoolers. Lord help me.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like they have been watching too much "Jody". Jody, I will be talking to you later.
love you

Allyson Lee said...

that is hilarious....