

That face. It makes me smile. His eyes, his grin, his soft, shiny hair. Everything about him melts my heart.

Sweet. Yes.
Spunky. Yes.
Mischievous. Yes.
Loving. Yes.

Preschool delinquent. Again, yes.

Today this boy, my boy with the angelic face, snuck a pocket knife into preschool. My little cherub hid a knife in his pocket and walked in school holding the hand of me, his unsuspecting, naive mother. I'm sure I hadn't made it out of the parking lot when he surprised his teacher with it. On the bright side, if there is one, the knife was a birthday gift from Sam (thank you, Jody) and the blades had been rounded off and were unable to cut anything. I was horrified when the knife was returned to me in the carpool line. I called Jody and in a rant told him that he would have been suspended for a full year if he had been in kindergarten. And it probably would have been on the news..."Local five year old wields pocket knife at school and becomes the youngest child ever to be expelled on a weapons charge." And how would it look for his grandmothers, who are both school employees, to have to admit, "Yes, he is my grandson. Yes, I know he's the youngest kid ever to bring a weapon to school." His response was to assure me that he'd have the "we don't take our knife to school" talk when he got home.

Safe school here we come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Only the beginning.........I love you Jack Johnson Standley...even though I "might be stupid" as you put it.
You sweetie pie!
Love you