
Two Months

Today you are two months old...where do the days go? You are the sweetest, happiest baby and you fill our days with so much joy. Everyday you wake up a little prettier than the day before. You are big and cuddly and look like a six month old, not the two month old you really are. You are wearing six month clothes and even some nine month outfits. You have the sweetest rolls on your legs with the deepest little crevices. There's really nothing like a chubby little baby to kiss on and I could spend my entire day kissing those chubby legs and your sweet head. You are really focusing on things now and will fixate on faces and objects for a long time. You still love your bath and your nighttime cereal. You are cooing and trying so hard to talk back to whoever is talking to you. You smile all the time and it is amazing to see. Your entire face lights up and your eyes disappear into little slits when you smile, just like your oldest brother. Those smiles sustain me sweet boy. When I am tired or frazzled and looking around a disastrous house, one of your smiles makes everything better. It's as if you're telling me, "Hey, Mama. Look at this. This is what is important." And I thank you for that. You are constant ray of sunshine and unending sweetness and I love you more than you could ever imagine.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh...how beautiful

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh...how beautiful