
Big Boy

I tried something new the other day.  After an afternoon of nonstop nursing and bottles of formula, I didn't know what to do with my still very hungry boy.  We were at Mama and Daddy's for dinner and Mama suggested I offer Will rice cereal.  I worried he was way too young, but Mama reassured me that when Allyson and I were babies you offered cereal at six weeks.  Sam and Jack didn't start cereal until they were three months old.  But after my afternoon nursing marathon, I was ready to try.  So I ran to the store and picked some up.  I returned and fixed Will a bowl, fully expecting him to gag and refuse it.  Um, nope.  He ate it up.  He swallowed it perfectly, never gagged and would have his mouth open waiting for the next spoonful before I could get it ready.  He loved it.  This boy just loves to eat, and it shows.  I took him to the doctor earlier in the day because he was very congested.  He had gained a pound since his one month check up, six days ago.  He's a thirteen pounder now.  So he enjoys his nightly cereal snack now and I can only imagine what this boy will do when he can eat baby food.  

Last night I laid Will on his stomach on my bed and went into my bathroom for just a few seconds.  When I walked back in, he was on his back.  Surely he didn't just roll over, I thought.  I flipped him back to his stomach and watched.  Sure enough, he began kicking his legs furiously until he rolled himself  onto his back.  I called my Mom and asked her if that was normal.  She said she didn't think so, but he probably wouldn't be able to do it on the hard floor.  Today he has rolled over twice on the hard floor.  I checked Sam and Jack's baby calendar and they didn't begin rolling over until 4-5 months old.  What am I in for with this little boy?  At this rate, he'll be walking to the table and eating a steak at six months...

1 comment:

Jodi Lowe said...

it must be something about 3rd babies, maci started crawling at 5 months old!!!! sooooo sad that my last one is doing things way to quick. It is always exciting, but when you really think about it, it goes by way to fast and you wish the last one could go slower...well at least MY last one. I am not talking for you!!! :=)