
Gettin' Piggy With It

One of Jody's pigs had babies last week. Eleven of them. But, unfortunately, she hasn't been a good mama. She has actually killed seven of her babies by rolling over on them or stepping on them. Sam has been especially concerned as to why a Mama would be mean to her babies. I tried my best to explain to him that, sadly, there are some mothers out there who just aren't good Mommies. Thankfully, she seems to have taken to her last four babies and appears to be caring for them. And if she doesn't love them enough, I know someone who does. My boys. They adore these cute little piggies. Jody got them out on Saturday and let the boys play with them while they were down at the barn. Jack fell in love with a black and pink one, one with a distinct black dot on his back. It is "his baby pig" and he had the snubs when we had to take the baby back to his Mama. Yesterday Jody brought a couple to the house for the boys and their cousins to play with. Landry was thrilled since pigs are her very favorite animal and Cade and Cannon enjoyed holding them too. Sam just loves cuddling them in his lap and even knows how to carry them around the proper way, by the back legs. I cringe every time I see him toting one around that way, but it is the only way to carry them where they don't squirm and squeal. Both boys would really love to bring them in the house and bottle feed them, but I've reminded them that we have a new baby coming in just a few days that we'll all need to take care of. If they love their brother half as much as they do those baby pigs, everything will be okay.

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