
The One

Sam, my oldest...

the one with the John Deere hat on backwards whose hair grows faster than I can keep it cut...

the one who calls me constantly, "Mama! Mama! Where you are?" So much that if I had a dollar for every time he says this during the day, I'd be very, very wealthy...

the one with a new affection for gorillas and chimpanzees...

the one who tells me he loves me at the most ordinary and perfect times...

the ones who still changes clothes way too often...

the one who yelled at me the other day from the back seat at the top of his lungs, "My uncles! My uncles! Mama, my uncles are hurting soooo bad!" And I turned to see him grabbing his ankles. And I just smiled...

the one who can fully dress himself but still needs my help buttoning his pants...

the one who says the best blessings...

the one who asks me every day, "Mama, has the baby popped out yet?" He must sweetly overlook my ever growing belly...

the one I still love to cuddle and hold, no matter how big he grows...

the one who always says, "Mama, I just don't know what to do" when he is so tired he can't settle down to sleep...

the one who plucks blooms off our azalea bushes for his Mama since the summertime flowers are gone...

the one who upon seeing a flock of buzzards flying nearby ran to my side, patted my leg and calmly said to me, "Mama, don't be scared of those buzzards, okay? Buzzards only eat dead things in the road and we're not dead or in the road, so don't worry, Mama. Okay?"

the one who still drinks more milk than should be humanly possible...

the one who loves to turn a rope into a lasso...

the one I love so much it frightens me...

the one I can't imagine spending every one of my days without...

my one and only oldest son...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sam is so much fun to talk to. You can always be suprised by what is coming. He tells me G-MA, I will spend the night with you in two days. He is so careful not to hurt my feelings, but every time I ask...it's in two days.
I love you my Sam