

What have these two been up to?


Jack now only refers to his Daddy as "Jody" and we have no idea why. Sam never did this. It's always "Hey, Jody!" "Look, Jody!" "Come here, Jody!" and it is quite cute.

Sam was horsing around at the dinner table and poked himself with his fork, missing his eye by centimeters. He has a nice cut below his eye and nearly gave his poor mother heart failure.

We are planning Jack's birthday party. There won't be a tractor party like Sam's second birthday. No, my youngest insists on having a Boots and Dora party. I have asked him a million times hoping he would offer another suggestion. Nope. Dora and Boots it will be.

Sam can now dress himself pretty well. This is a wonderful milestone but can honestly be a little annoying. Like any new trick, one must do it over and over and over again. Sam changed outfits four times before noon yesterday. Lord, give me patience.

Jody and the boys have found and brought home two turtles this week. The latest, a snapping turtle, is resting comfortably in the back of the gator for me to have to look after tomorrow.

I will be actively searching for a refrigerator lock tomorrow.

I discovered The Golden Girls are back on tv and I still really love that show. Apparently Sam really likes it too. I walked in today to Sam perched on the couch as the opening song began. And my boy sang that song like a champ and knew nearly every word. You know, "Thank you for being a friend..." I was so proud.

I walked inside today to grab a couple of popsicles and returned to find the gator completely backed up to Mema's fence, 25 yards from where it was when I went in. I had just left the gator parked safely in the driveway and my two boys playing in the yard. It could have turned out so badly and I am so grateful it didn't. Yes, they can now release the emergency brake and put it in gear. Merely removing the key will no longer do. Now what?

Jack had removed his diaper and peed on my floor at least 15 times in the past two days. I am coming really close to taking Jody's advice and rubbing his nose in it. Just kidding...maybe.

Speaking of Jack using the bathroom...he has twice darted out the door, peeled of his clothes and ran to his Mema's house. For what? My child steps one foot across the property line, squats, drops a load and turns back around and runs home. And I have to go behind him with a plastic bag and clean up like someone at the park with her dog. Lovely.

Sam will now hit or aggravate Jack and when I ask him what happened he will calmly look at me and say, "If you tell me the truth, you won't be in trouble." Talk about using your words against you.

Jack discovered that a six disc dvd player will break when you jam 10 discs in at the same time.

Sam now insists on opening his own snacks with his plastic hunting knife. I appreciate his independence but his plastic toy knife leaves quite a mess for his Mama to clean up.

And as I type this, I am watching my oldest dump out his cup full of milk in the sink, pull up a chair to the counter and refill his cup with the coke I left out. It never really stops, does it?


Mary Evans said...

i love your blogs... you have a gift in they way you write.. i wish i could do that...
i feel mine are always blah-
thanks again for the beautiful invites of cullen! you did a great job..

Anonymous said...

It makes me tired just to read the blog. With these two there's never a dull moment. It is exciting thinking about what the newest family memeber will be like. I can't wait.