

This boy knows all about anatomy. Well, as it relates to boy parts. He inspects his plastic animals to see if they are, indeed, girls or boys. Who knew that these figurines actually sport the proper parts? But I'm grateful they do. Otherwise, all the animals would have to be girls and unending questions about "Why none of the animals are boys?" would persist. Yes, Sam, knows a thing or two about anatomy and sometimes he even talks about it. Well, not really sometimes. More like, a lot of the time.

After making loud monkey noises in the back seat, Sam announced, " Hey, Mama. I'm being one of those monkeys with the boobies on his neck." Yeah, I have no clue.

"Hey, Mama."
"Yes, son."
"My ding dong is asleep."
"Oh, really son. I didn't know that could happen."
"Yeah, sometimes he gets tired and he needs to sleep."
"Oh, Mommy! He's awake now."

After bumping into me while running outside my polite son says," Oh, I'm sorry Mama. I didn't mean to hit you in your balls."
"Son, Mama's don't have balls, okay?"
"Oh, okay. Well, then I'm sorry I hit you in your nuts."

Oh, the joys of having boys...

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