
21 Months

A talker...you will repeat anything and your vocabulary is rather impressive.  You tell us clearly and often impatiently what you want and expect immediate service.  You crawl in my lap and say "KISS!" and proceed to lay one on me...which I find terribly adorable.  My favorite thing you say is when someone tells you they love you, you say, "ov ew too!"  I'll say, "love you more," to which you exclaim "ov ew moor." I say this to you all during the day and you never fail to tell me back with great enthusiasm.  
A runner...you love to run and will stand perfectly still and say, "Set, Go!" and take off in a full sprint.  The way you run is one of the many things I adore about you.  You keep one arm safely tucked by your side and pump the other arm like it's going out of style.  You move your little legs so fast, with short, quick steps and it almost appears that you are skipping, running and dancing all at the same time.  I am constantly telling you to "slow down, Jack" and yet, you still run.  Your upper body seems to be a few steps ahead of your legs which leads to many falls, skinned up knees and toes.
Mr. Trouble...you remain ridiculously mischievous and appear to have an attention span of less than ten seconds.  You don't sit still for long and you seem to have a real knack for opening anything and then using what you've opened to reek havoc.  "No" does not seem to register with you and you have a need for just a little bit of danger every day.  You are my little tornado, a sweet, busy bundle of all boy who leaves a destruction path a mile wide.
Our funny man...you continue to be a comedian and you take great pride in making us and others laugh.  You know just how to make a perfect silly face, do a little dance or make funny noises to make people laugh when ever you see fit. Your daddy and I still look at each other, scratching our heads and wondering where on earth that personality came from.  You are pure happiness and laughter and our ever present reminder of all things silly.  You are light hearted and free spirited and the world is your playground.  Still our endless source of joy, we are hopelessly in love with you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have described him perfectly. Jack is so funny. I don't know where he comes up with the things he does. He is constantly thinking about what he can get into next. We are all so blessed to have this 21 month old in our lives. Just one question...Did Mema Ree roach up that hair. That looks like something from my past...
Love you