
More Rewards

We left bright and early this morning for our big zoo reward trip.  Sam and Jack were both very excited and didn't even mind such an early start.  It was ridiculously hot and pretty crowded by the time we arrived at 9:30.  Sam looked around at all the people and with sweet innocence  asked, "Hey, Mommy.  Did everyone here stinky in the potty?"  He was certain that everyone there was being rewarded for finally being potty trained just like him.

The boys were thrilled to catch a few close glimpses of a few of their favorite animals...  

but unfortunately spent a lot of time looking for animals that seemed to be hiding or too far away.
And we also saw a lot of backsides, like this, from several uncooperative animals.
and was instantly giddy with excitement.
Jack, you know the one who is usually my wild child, well, he found the animals a little too big and scary.   Showing rare caution, he chose the safest seat on the carousel instead.
Sam was thrilled to catch a quick glimpse of his beloved bears...
which was the sole purpose of our trip.
He even sweet talked his Daddy into two animals from the gift shop, a polar bear and a gazelle.  Not to left out, Jack grabbed a zebra and a rhino and was very happy with his purchase.
We had a wonderful time and the excitement really wore Sam out.  We looked over to find him asleep, sitting up on the couch at 7:30.  Jack, on the other hand, is still kicking at 9:30 and is enjoying giving himself mini facials with a quick open of the dishwasher where the steam covers his face, he yells "hot," and sprints into the den.  And then he repeats the process.  Over and over again.  So much for an early bedtime for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sam was so excited about going to the U. I love to hear him say ZOO. He had such a good time. Such lucky little boys.