
Memorable Memorial

We have had a wonderful, long weekend.  A weekend that included a cook out, fun with our favorite cousins and lots of special time with Daddy.  Both the boys have hung close to Jody the past few days helping to move and work the cows, check fences and move hay.  This morning Jody let me sleep in (after a tough night with my sweet little Jack) while he and Jack worked outside.  Sam and I slept until 10:30, which was wonderful.  We didn't venture out to the pool for opening weekend.  We are waiting for the water to warm up as it gets a little warmer outside.  The boys happily enjoyed the inflatable water slide at our house and we will surely be using it a lot this summer.  Great fun and a sign of things to come...a wonderful summer ahead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Sam sweet when Jody told him he would go down the water slide and Sam said, "Daddy, I will hold your hand so you won't be scared." So sweet