
Six Little Words

Six little words...that certainly mean trouble, trouble, trouble for me.

"Mommy, come see what Jack did."

A lovely warning to hear from your three year old as you step out of the shower (yes, one of those three minute showers).  I throw on clothes and make it to the foyer where it becomes clear to me what my little stinker has been up to.  A huge, jagged piece of glass lays on the floor.  As I walk through the dining room into the kitchen, more pieces of glass.  And then I see the guilty party...my littlest standing barefoot in a pile of glass.  I can tell immediately that this a large, heavy vase...one of my wedding gifts that stays tucked away in the china cabinet in the dining room.  And this morning Jack thought he'd rummage through that cabinet, pull out the heaviest vase and see how many pieces he could shatter it into by dropping it on the tile floor.  Sam who was, of course, dressed in his bear suit, reassured me that he "Didn't do nothing, Mommy.  Jack did it all."  I found glass in five rooms of the house, but somehow my little sweetie managed to walk through it without receiving one cut.  That is the second time in his short life that he's walked through and handled broken glass without the slightest scratch.  Amazing.  But not amusing to his Mama.  Maybe he was planning ahead and was pulling out a vase for the flowers his older brother picks me on a daily basis.  Somehow I think not...

Guilty, Guilty, Guilty.
This sweet bear was merely an innocent bystander.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think too much stuff gets blamed on that sweet boy. Everyone knows if you have boys there should be no glass in the house until the youngest boy turns 30 years old. This is the rule.
Love you