
Snake Rock Creek

Today Ally and I took all five kids on "an adventure" down to the creek.  I had taken Cade, Cannon and Sam on one of these trips before and they loved it and begged to do it again.  So we headed to the very back of the farm where the creek runs through the woods.  The big boys were thrilled to be able to climb hills, throw rocks and run through the creek with their clothes and shoes on.  Even Jack and Landry joined in and were soon throwing rocks and splashing through the creek just like the big kids.  Landry especially had fun doing her best to ruin her outfit as she slid down the muddy creek bank into the water.  The boys were as happy as they could be as we walked all the way down the creek, under electric fences, up steep cliffs and through the muddy pasture.  I think it's pretty special that our kids are enjoying fun times in the same creek Jody's great-grandparents used to walk down.  Five generations all enjoying that same water and it's surroundings...wow. Cade decided to name it "Snake Rock Creek" and I am sure we will be making many, many more trips down there.  It won't be long until they will be old enough to ramble down there on their own and I'll be at home honking the car horn to let them know it's time to come home...just like their grandparents and great-grandparents did.

Cade was this happy all afternoon...he loved being the leader on the "adventure."
The big jump...
Jack making his way through the water...
Landry kept bending over in the creek doing this with her top...doesn't she look like a lady that just hopped off her covered wagon to clean her apron?
We had to find a board at the barn to make a "bridge."
Still testing the waters...
Wet and dirty...just like one of the boys.
Shirt off, stick in hand, wet up to his knees and happy as he can be.
My favorites from the afternoon...
We told them if they all climbed the tree it may fall and land in the creek and make a great bridge...it didn't, but we tried.
They really did have fun although they look like members of a prison chain gang in this picture.
The princess...always standing out among the boys.
Ally took the babies home while I wandered the rest of the creek with the big boys.  When we made it to the big waterfall behind the barn they were so excited yelling, "We did it!"  They hugged each other and jumped up and down, so thrilled over their big trip through the woods.  

Three Wonderful Little Boys...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such wonderful memories come back to me. Playing in the creek on beautiful summer days. You have endless fun and your imagination creates the best adventures you will ever have. You're 100 miles aways in your thoughts and then 3 blows from a horn brings you back to reality and you run home. I am so glad the kids can have those same moments.