
Advice Please

I need advice.  As a mom of two boys who grew up with no brothers, I am a little puzzled as to how to handle certain "boy things."  My oldest, Sam, can be the sweetest little boy on the planet.  He is considerate and kind hearted and such a blessing.  He makes me smile hundreds of times a day and is a constant source of joy.  But...he is a little boy.  A little boy who likes "little boy things" and talking about things only little boys (and their daddy's) think is funny.  Like do-do balls and ding-dongs.  I have to hear stories about this do-do ball and that do-do ball all during the day.  I try to ignore it but tonight he said a sweet little prayer before dinner giving thanks for God's do-do ball.  Yes, God's.  And why he was obviously trying to show gratitude for all things big and small, we, his parents, were not amused.   His Daddy handled that one and we moved on.  Today has been over the top for do-do and ding-dongs.  We ate lunch at Jody's parents house.  Ashley and Madi were there and Sam felt the need to go around the table, pointer finger extended and point out everyone who had a ding-dong or not.  "You have a ding-dong"..."You just have a heini"..."You have a ding-dong"...."You just have a heini."   We nipped that and he moved on to what animals have ding-dongs and which do not.  And while I know it isn't grammatically correct to say girls only have heinis, it is working for us at the present time and we aren't looking forward to the conversation it would require to correct him.  So we just keep trying.  Trying to teach him that do-do balls aren't nice to talk about...especially at the dinner table.  Trying to stress the importance of why it's not nice to point out who does or does not have ding-dongs or heinis...especially at your grandma's house.  So I'm open for suggestions and advice on how to handle these "boy things."  Do-do balls, ding-dongs and I shutter to think what may be next.  Appropriately enough, Sam is calling me as I try to finish this entry.  What, may you ask, is he calling me?  "Mommy Do-Do Ball" of course.  

So sweet...I wonder what he's thinking about...


Lisa Hardee said...

I hate that potty talk too! I don't have much advice. I tell them they that I don't want to hear it around me or in public. I have told Dalton I would wash his mouth out with soap. (But of course I really never could do that) Michelle makes Cole brush his teeth every time he says something "ugly". She tells him his mouth is dirty, so he needs to brush his teeth. Works for her! I'll keep checking to see what other advice you get.

The Lee's said...


I know in the near future I am going to need the same help. So keep me posted on how it is going. Drake already loves to pull on that particular body part!!! As soon as you open the diaper...BAM! his hand is in there!

Michele Lee

Jodi Lowe said...

That is so funny! Yesterday Sawyer pretended his french fries were do-do. The tall one was a big doo-doo,the little one was a little doo-doo. I told him that was yucky, and he said, "Mommy I eat these doo-doo's!" I did tell him that it was gross, but I can't help but laugh. I was the same way, so I can't expect them not to be, right?????