
Oh Eight!

What a year.  A year that passed in what seemed like a moment to this busy mother of two.  The days continue to pass by in a pace all too fast for me.  It really is true that time flies by in an instant after you have children.  The months seem like days and before you know it another year is gone.  

This year brought many blessings and happiness to our home.  A second birthday and a first, first steps, new words and discoveries, our year has been full of wonderful days. Our two boys continue to amaze us each day as they grow into beautiful little beings.  Their laughter and smiles sustain us and through all the sticky fingers, spilled milk, ear infections, snotty noses and dirty diapers, we enjoy a life that is full beyond measure and are overwhelmed by the love we feel for these two boys.  And just when we think we can't love them anymore...we do...every day a little more.  

Sam...this year our oldest became a kid in every sense of the word.  He learned to ride a bike, swing high, run faster and manage to get dirtier than ever before.  He continues to love outdoors and all things that relate to farm life.  He is an expert on tractors, hay and animals and is quite meticulous in his daily building of his own "farm" in our den.  This year brought us a boy who talks in complete, intelligent sentences and constantly has us looking at each other asking "How does he know that?"  Talking...all the time...every minute.  Jody's parents sit back and laugh because this is exactly how Jody was as a child...constant talking...just like a radio.  And Sam is the very same.  Jody  and I will surely hear "Why?" and "What's that?" a million more times this year.  He has grown to love Jack and is very protective over him...a proud big brother who makes us proud every day.  Sam has grown tall and strong and is wearing size 4 clothes now.  His feet continue to grow fast and his shoulders seem a little broader today than yesterday and I ache to see him transforming into a boy in front of my very eyes.  He is loving and stubborn, tough but kind, and has a heart that he proudly wears on his sleeve.  He has developed manners and persistence and never fails to let us know just what he wants, when he wants it.  He has become our best little buddy and I don't know that Jody could be any happier than when he climbs in his lap to watch a little TV and just talk.  He shows me love every day and blesses me with many hugs and kisses.  I still find myself staring at him, amazed at how beautiful he is and how lucky I am to be his mom.  His eyelashes are still two inches long, and as dark as his eyes. So handsome...my perfect little boy.  This year will bring preschool and independence and I feel my heart breaking as I think about it.  He is growing up all too fast.

Jack...my snugly, sleepy newborn became a snugly, cuddly one year old.  He left crawling behind and spends most of his days running, chest bowed out, as I chase him through the house.  He grew tired of baby food and insisted on table food and can eat and eat and eat.  He loves milk just like his brother and his Daddy and can eat sausage until he is sick. He is saying a few words and enjoys telling me "No" numerous times through out the day.  He is growing taller and thinner and I see those chubby, adorable little legs slowly disappearing.  He is still my chunky monkey and is as cuddly now as the day he was born.  Jack loves to run to us, arms out, giggling as he gives us the biggest hug he can.  He still loves to be held and still lays his head on my shoulder and plays with my hair.  He is a ball of energy who wakes up ready to destroy the house, room by room.  He plunders and leaves a trail every where he goes...he refuses to let the house stay tidy for more than 30 minutes.  I'm cleaning and he's messing up...all day...every day.  He loves his Daddy and lights up when he gets home from work.  He is beautiful...with eyes as dark as his brothers and eyelashes to match. He is soft and sweet and still smells so yummy. Jack is pure joy, pure happiness and he makes everyone smile.  We laugh at him all day and he loves being our little entertainer.  He dances, struts, makes funny faces and noises...anything for a laugh.  I tell Jody that he is going to be the one that wears us out because he is unpredictable and wild and loves being the center of attention.  He loves freely and lets us know just how he feels about us...no words needed.  He admires Sam and appears to love all the little things his big brother does...tractors, animals and toy guns. He changes every day and is learning so much.  Life seems to pass even faster than before he was here and I want to freeze time and hold on to him just as he is today...innocent and carefree...true happiness...my little baby.

A new year will surely bring lots of excitement to our house.  I smile as I wonder what new and amazing things these boys will learn and discover this year.  I pray that they will know how happy they make us and that to us, every day with them is simply perfect.  They make our lives wonderful and the sounds of their little feet is the sweetest sound we know. May we cherish each and every smile, hug, tear, tantrum and kiss as we secretly wish time would tick a little slower this year...

Look how we've grown...

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